Yes, I am totally owned by Poets of the fall as of now and I listen to them sing everyday. I seem to float off into a wonderland when their words fall on my ears. The lyrics seem so perfect
New year – 2008
I’m sure about that all the millions of blogs on the world wide web would have a post about the onset of new year, 2008. There would be loads of them which are full of fun things that happened and
Missing people
It’s been around 3 weeks since I’ve come over to Bangalore and thus to HP, like I already mentioned and sometimes (most often than not) I miss people from Pune. This happens regularly and its like bouts of pain that
Story of my life.
It’s been over a week since I joined HP and I must say that the place (It’s ambience and the overall corporate feel) rocks! The post though is not about HP or about me moving to Bangalore or anything closely
Passive smoking.
To begin with, this post is intended to those who smoke and those who live alongside all of these unsuspecting innocent, able men and women. Those who choose to spend money to buy something that not only burns them, but