I, initially had the itch to write about the ongoing war in Mumbai. Then again, whats the point? I’d just be glorifying the cowardly deeds of a handful of bastards who think its alright to play kill bill with innocent people. I’ve been following IBN for over 35 hours now and frankly, I think the Indian police, army and navy are not equipped to deal with a hostage situation and they’ve just been ‘getting ready’ to launch the ‘final assault’. The last I saw of the war; the NSG has been prepping itself to enter the Nariman house, Oberoi and Taj hotel. This has been the case since yesterday evening and from what I heard, they’re taking a cautious approach since they value human lives. IMHO, the more you wait, the more they might kill. I’m no one to comment cause I don’t know how its in there so I just hope that this all ends soon. I repeat myself here again – You kill a 100 or if you go on to kill a 1000, we will not bend and thereby we won’t break. We can bust your puny asses in Pakistan if we want. Exterminate every living pest in that country, but then we have our principles and trust me, we’re reaching our limits with our patience. Don’t you see that these kinda attacks are pointless? Especially in Mumbai where things would go back to normal within a day or two. The lives you lost – a futile attempt at what? Sore losers.
I’ve news and its stakesauce! Opeth is coming to India – Jan 2009. Read if off the Indian Opeth fans community on orkut and it seems to be pretty authentic. They’re coming to IIT – Chennai. I’m not missing this opportunity. My favourite lines off of Bleak:

Devious movements in your eyes
Moved me from relief
Breath comes out white clouds with your lies
And filters through me
You’re close to the final word
You’re staring right past me in dismay
A liquid seeps from your chest
And drains me away
Mist ripples round your thin white neck
And draws me a line
Cold fingers mark this dying wreck
This moment is mine
Anyway, thats that. I’m just hoping for December to come soon and sweep me away. I’m going to be busy and touring. Many of my close friends getting married. A lot of my money going bust in travelling. I’d be on a long hiatus in December. The approved leaves begin from the 18th and extend upto the 2nd. That’d be fun! I’m tired and sleepy. PeaceLoveEmpathy,
A bunch of us from Sri Lanka are hoping to make the trip to Chennai to see Opeth. It should be a, err, grand congregation.
m/ Welcome. I’m not sure about the tickets and how we’d get it :/
I’ve been in touch with the organizers (at least the contact person that they’ve listed in the Saarang website) and he says that tickets will start selling around mid December, early January. Can’t wait.
Hoping to make the trip, Sir?
Yeah. If I get in. Tons of Opeth fans all over the place. Drop me a line, please? When you get a heads-up on when the ticket sales begin.
Sure thing, Anup.
Where can I get the ticket and what is the cost?
Hi Vishal, no clue friend. Try getting in touch with someone from Saarang. http://www.saarang.org << thats the website.
hmm..strange location for a heavy metal band to play…i thought indians only listened to Bollywood shit…
Krishnen, where are you from? Uganda? You think wrong.