DasvidanyaI just finished watching Dasvidanya; a movie that I’ve avoided for no rhyme or reason. Firstly, I wonder why I thought the word Dasvidanya was Bengali. I assume a lot of things I don’t know and if you’d ask me about where I get the ideas to my perpetrating assumptions then I’d have to point to my ignorant and the often oblivious and almost always subconscious mind that tries to reason for me and defend my stupidity. Anyway, I’m not going to glorify what I’ve already mentioned a few times here – I’m stupid.

I was blown away by an amazing storyline and some impeccable acting by Vinay Pathak. I thought I’d watch the movie because I do like the song “Meri Maa” which has been very well sung and makes me weep. Though it isn’t as good as the song in “Taare Zameen Par” it still manages to tingle my insides and I missed mom terribly. I’m all praises for Mr. Pathak’s work in this movie and I urge everyone to watch this movie. It’d give you those tears which would be lethal if kept inside and you’d feel better after having watched this movie. Even though the movie ends with the protagonists death. I felt a special connect with the character Amar Kaul. Reminds me of myself. Yup, I’ve been a part of the elite league of perennial losers who are used to taking crap! A couple of my favorite dialoges – “Duniya usiko dabati hai jo dabta hai” “Log inhe hool dete gaye aur yeh lete gaye” I especially liked the part where Vinay’s imaginary cool counterpart would come have a chat with him. That kinda happens to me once in a while. Mostly when I’m alone or probably in the shower. He’d show up and ask me to shut the fuck up. He hates it when I sing. The only twist here is, the current Anup seems like a wannabe cool imaginary fellow who left the real guy behind. Its he who pops into my thoughts once in a while. Soda-glasses, straight fit; measured, tailored trousers, a large shirt which was always left dangling out, old tattered floaters, a stupid grin and a half eaten mush (mucchi even); thats the real me. Very similar to Vinay’s picture here. I’m sure that the image would be shattered some day and I hope that I get back to being me.

I thought about making that list. The one before I too say DasVidanya. Very euphemistic. So here goes:

  • Stop being a petulant fool.
  • Be a better friend.
  • Send my parents off to an all expenses paid vacation to wherever it is that they want.
  • Watch my sister get married off.
  • I’d like to visit FOREN too!
  • Finish writing my book.
  • Own some land.
  • Get dad to agree that I’m the awesomest son he could have.
  • Experience true love.
  • Compose a magical love song.

I’m sure I’m not asking for more than what I can cover. I might be overambitious but I’m certainly going to try and finish up on all those said desires. Alright, so thats just about it for now. Its 2:00 A.M and I’ve been sleepy for the entire evening. Its Kuttapi who came over and woke me off my drowsy evening. I revisited God of War 2 and I think I’ve lost touch. I need to get going at it again. I’m hoping to feature an article about GOW’s storyline. Its brilliant and before they come up with a stupid movie which spoils it for everyone, I’d like to share the games story – its brilliant. Peace out for now.


Before I say DasVidanya…

4 thoughts on “Before I say DasVidanya…

  • March 19, 2009 at 10:48 am

    “petulant fool” dialogue for god of war 2!!nice…!!
    and i have got such a cool name [kp] not kuttapi!!
    u will freak out ur readers!!

  • March 19, 2009 at 11:21 am

    Lol, whatever stylish name you come up with… kp, dhoom_of_kp or guitarhero; you’d still be Kuttapi for me! Eeeks, KP is such an uncool name. You can call youself that 😉 My readers actually love the name Kuttapi… at least Abhi does.

  • March 23, 2009 at 6:53 am

    Will be waiting for your book 🙂


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